Non-Simple Types |
Name |
Definition |
pl_Cam |
Camera type. See plCamera*().
- pl_Float
Fov: Field of view in degrees. Should be between 1 and 179
- pl_Float
Aspect ratio: Aspect ratio, normally 1.0, but in wierd resolutions,
this should be something like "screenwidth/screenheight * 3.0/4.0."
- pl_sChar
Sort: How shall plRender*()
sort polygons? 0: no sorting. -1: front to back. 1: back to front.
- pl_Float
ClipBack: sets the far clip plane. Any value less than or equal to 0.0
disables the far clip plane.
- pl_sInt
ClipTop, ClipLeft, ClipBottom, ClipRight: screen clipping coords.
Usually 0, 0, screenheight, screenwidth respectively.
- pl_uintScreenWidth,
ScreenHeight: the screen width (line width) and screen height of the
- pl_sInt
CenterX, CenterY: the place on the screen where 0,0,z projects to.
Usually screenwidth/2 and screenheight/2 respectively.
- pl_Float
X, Y, Z: The X Y and Z coordinates of the Camera in Worldspace.
- pl_Float
Pitch, Pan, Roll: The rotation of the Camera in Worldpsace.
Pitch is the up-down rotation, with positive being up. Pan is
left-right rotation, with positive being right, and Roll is rotation
around the viewing axis, with positive being clockwise.
- pl_uChar
* frameBuffer: a pointer to the buffer of type pl_uChar, and
dimensions screenwidth*screenheight to which rendering will occur.
- pl_ZBuffer
* zBuffer: a pointer to the buffer of type pl_ZBuffer, and
dimensions screenwidth*screenheight to which Z-buffering will occur.
Or NULL, to disable Z-buffering.
pl_Light |
Light type. See plLight*().
- pl_uChar
Type: Type of light, one of PL_LIGHT_*
- pl_Float
Xp, Yp, Zp: This can mean two things:
- If Type is PL_LIGHT_VECTOR: the unit vector of the light
- If Type is PL_LIGHT_POINT_*: the position of the light
- pl_Float
Intensity: The intensity of the light. Usually from 0.0 to 1.0. Can be
greater and brightness will be clipped.
- pl_Float
HalfDistSquared: The square of the distance at which PL_LIGHT_POINT
will be 1/2 brightness.
pl_Obj |
Object type. See plObj*().
- pl_uInt32
NumVertices: the number of vertices in the object.
- pl_uInt32
NumFaces: the number of faces (triangles) in the object.
- pl_Vertex
* Vertices: a pointer to an array of "NumVertices" vertices.
- pl_Face
* Faces: a pointer to an array of "NumFaces" faces.
- pl_Obj
a list of children. Either pointers to the children, or 0 if no
- pl_Bool
BackfaceCull: are backfacing triangles drawn in this object?
- pl_Bool
BackfaceIllumination: are triangles illuminated from lights that are
behind them?
- pl_Bool
GenMatrix: generate a transformation matrix from the following?
- pl_Float
Xp, Yp, Zp, Xa, Ya, Za: Translation and Rotation values. Translation
values are in object space. Rotation values are in degrees. Rotations
happen around the X then Y then Z. These are only used if GenMatrix is
set (see above)
- pl_Float
Matrix[16]: A 4x4 transformation matrix which is used if GenMatrix is
not set.
- pl_Float
RotMatrix[16]: A 4x4 transformation matrix for normals (i.e. no
translation) which is used if GenMatrix is not set.
pl_Vertex |
Vertex type. Used with pl_Obj.
- pl_Float
x, y, z: the WorldSpace
coordinates of the point.
- pl_Float
xformedx, xformedy, xformedz: the transformed coordinates of the
- pl_Float
nx, ny, nz: the WorldSpace
normal of the point.
- pl_Float
xformednx, xformedny, xformednz: the transformed normal of the point.
pl_Face |
Face (triangle) type. Used with pl_Obj.
- pl_Vertex
*Vertices[3]: pointers to the three vertices of the triangle.
- pl_Float
nx, ny, nz: the normal of the triangle in object space.
- pl_Mat
*Material: the material of the face.
- pl_sInt32
Scrx[3], Scry[3]: the projected screen coordinates of the vertices, in
16.16 fixed point.
- pl_Float
Scrz[3]: the reciprocal of the transformed Z of the vertices.
- pl_sInt32
MappingU[3], MappingV[3]: the 16.16 fixed point mapping coordinates of
the face
- pl_sInt32
eMappingU[3], eMappingV[3]: the 16.16 fixed point environment mapping
coordinates of the face (generated on the fly)
- pl_Float
fShade: the shade of the face (for flat shading), 0.0->1.0
- pl_Float
sLighting: the static lighting value for flat shading, usually 0.0
- pl_Float
Shades[3]: the shades of the vertices (for Gouraud shading),
- pl_Float
vsLighting[3]: the static lighting values for Gouraud shading, usually
pl_Mat |
Material Type. Used with pl_Face.
See plMat*()
- pl_sInt
Ambient[3]: RGB of surface color (0-255 is a good range)
- pl_sInt
Diffuse[3]: RGB of diffuse reflection (0-255 is a good range)
- pl_sInt
Specular[3]: RGB of "specular" highlights (0-255 is a good range)
- pl_uInt
Shininess: Shininess of material. 1 is dullest, 2 is shinier, etc.
- pl_Float
FadeDist: For distance shading, distance at which intensity is 0
- pl_uChar
ShadeType: Shade type: PL_SHADE_*
- pl_uChar
Transparent: Transparency index (0 = none, 4 = alot) Note:
transparencies disable textures
- pl_uChar
PerspectiveCorrect: Correct textures every n pixels. Will be rounded
down to the nearest power of two. i.e. 20 will become 16. Values over
64 will become 64.
- pl_Texture
*Texture: Texture map, or NULL if none.
- pl_Texture
*Environment: Environment map, or NULL if none. Note: if both Texture
and Environment are set, shading will be disabled.
- pl_Float
TexScaling: Texture map scaling (usually 1.0)
- pl_Float
EnvScaling: Environment map scaling (usually 1.0)
- pl_Bool
zBufferable: Can this material be zbuffered? Usually true.
- pl_uInt
NumGradients: Desired number of gradients to be used
- _*: Internal variables (see pl_types.h for more info)
pl_Texture |
Texture Type. Used with pl_Mat.
See plTex*().
- pl_uChar
*Data: the texture data, one byte per pixel.
- pl_uChar
*PaletteData: the palette data, 256 RGB triplets. Each value should be
- pl_uChar
Width, Height: the log2 of dimensions. i.e. 8, 8 for a 256x256
- pl_uInt
iWidth, iHeight: the actual dimensions. i.e. 256,256 for a 256x256
- pl_Float
uScale, vScale: the texture scaling, usually 1.0, 1.0
- pl_uInt
NumColors: the number of colors used in the texture.
pl_Spline |
Spline Type. See plSpline*().
- pl_Float
*keys: the key data, keyWidth*numKeys plFloats.
- pl_sInt
keyWidth: number of pl_Floats per key.
- pl_sInt
numKeys: number of keys in spline
- pl_Float
cont: The continuity of the spline. Should be between -1.0 and 1.0.
- pl_Float
bias: The bias of the spline. Should be between -1.0 and 1.0.
- pl_Float
tens: The tension of the spline. Should be between -1.0 and 1.0.